Our Newsfeed

Our Platform is in a REBOOT and TESTING STAGE.

All registrations are FREE until the 31st of December 2024. Instructor and School accounts will be subjected to a FEE from the 1st of January 2025. Read more on the Membership registration here.

In return for the overall free registration, we kindly ask you to send us FEEDBACK on your testing of the registration, and on the booking process to feedback@bookinstructor.com.

Our booking process is, and will stay FREE.

We do not ask for any commission from the bookings made through our platform. If commission is offered, we ask it to be a discount to the clients and a reward to the booked instructor.



Please register and create accounts and profiles on our platform. The registration is FREE. Any data provided can be erased anytime on your request by sending us an email to feedback@bookinstructor.com from the email address that you have registered with.

We have created a Test-Instructor and Test-school accounts, view the profiles for these accounts to see how the instructor and school profiles look like and what data is visible.

The registered accounts will undergo an approval as per our Terms of Service. If approved, unerased accounts and profiles will stay functional even after the testing finishes. If not approved the profile will be made visible for the testing period only.


Booking process

We have created a Test-Client, Test-Instructor, and Test-school profiles for the purpose of testing of our booking process.

Please search for the Test-Instructor, that is registered in Verbier, in Switzerland, through our QUICK SEARCH and the MAP SEARCH, or find the Test-Instructor through SCHOOL SEARCH under the Test-School in Verbier profile.

To experience our booking process book the Test-Instructor from your CLIENT, or INSTRUCTOR, or SCHOOL account. Booking these does not create any obligation, the booking of the Test profiles is for testing purposes only.

If you have an INSTRUCTOR account, request to be booked by the Test-Client by emailing us on test-client@bookinstructor.com to try our booking process for instructors.

We are looking forward to your feedback on feedback@bookinstructor.com.


Thank you,

Bookinstructor.com Team


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